July 20, 2023
MONMOUTH COUNTY – Monmouth County officials have announced the “America250 Monmouth NJ” Committee as they gear up for the major celebration of America’s 250th birthday in 2026.
Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon, Esq. and Monmouth County Commissioner Director Thomas A. Arnone will serve as Chair and Co-Chair of the committee with the goal to generate awareness and coordinate activities leading up to the anniversary.
“America’s 250th Anniversary is coming in 2026 – and Monmouth County will be ready!” Committee Co-Chair Arnone said. “New Jersey is known as the crossroads of the American Revolution, and Monmouth County has a rich history that’s instrumental to the independence and prosperity our nation enjoys today.”
America’s historic milestone will be commemorated as well as Monmouth County’s significant role in the fight for independence.
“2026 may seem like a long way off, but we are excited to embark on the journey toward this momentous event,” Committee Chair Hanlon said. “Over the coming years, we will work to coordinate with our national, state, and local governments, as well as our historical organizations and businesses, our cultural and creative industry partners, and all who wish to participate.”
Officials publicized the committee and its plans on June 28 at the historic Hall of Records building, which was the courthouse during Battle of Monmouth and served as a temporary hospital for injured troops, with the battle occurring only a few miles away.
The event hosted guests, including: The RockNRoll Chorus, comprised of students from Howell High School, who sang the National Anthem, “God Bless America” and the “Monmouth County Song”; Julia Sienna, who sang “God Bless the U.S.A.”; Revolutionary War reenactors from the Ogden’s 1st New Jersey Regiment; Sly the horse and his rider Olivia Geniton of Foreluck Farm in Atlantic Highlands, who delivered the Declaration of Independence to the podium.
Additionally, the event featured a reading of the preamble to the Declaration of Independence by Arnone, Commissioner Ross F. Licitra, Commissioner Susan M. Kiley, Surrogate Maureen T. Raisch, and Prosecutor Raymond S. Santiago.
For news and updates from the America250 Monmouth NJ Committee, visit MonmouthNJ250.org.
(via Jersey Shore Online)